vo zei zgabube zei-lujvo

x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-4' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.

Inner structure of the rule: selbri-5 (joik-jek selbri-5 | joik stag? KE # selbri-3 /KEhE#/)*. For the description of the syntax see jarnezi.

On affix form:

x1 (event/state) is a punishable crime/[taboo/sin] to people/culture/judges/jury x2.

In definition:

x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that each element of the veljvo is ultimately only a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
zo si si zei fa'o
x1 is a nonsense zei-lujvo using parts x2, silly by standard x3.

In notes:

x1 is the unit of a form of rhythm of x2
x1 is a mucube
x1 is a point on time axis, of event/state x2, in system x3.
j1 has the rank of Lieutenant Colonel/Commander/Wing Commander (equivalent of NATO OF-4) in military unit /organization j2.
t2 is four-legged with legs t1.
x1 is qiyan jueju with tone pattern x2, rhyming at locus x3.
binary operator: complex number from argument and phase, (r, \phi) \mapsto r ei \phi
Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
numeric suffix: indicates that the number refers to portionality instead of cardinality
te'i (exp!)
at a point on time axis
ti'u'i (exp!)
at the second N of the minute.
x1 (event/state) is on Thursday or the fourth day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 is in relation x4 with x2 to the x3th degree; x1 is x3 nodes before x2 in the sequence such that every element thereof and the next element are linked by the relation x4; x1 is [ that which is in relation x4 with ] (repeat x3 times the part between brackets) x2
x1 (event/state) is in the fourth month/April of a year x2 in system x3.